Same-Day Crowns

crowns, restorative care

Dental crowns are typically reserved for situations in which a tooth is decayed or broken to the point that a traditional filling will not be ideal to offer long lasting structure or support. Sometimes teeth break, and sometimes teeth develop deep fracture lines, and the only way to ensure that the tooth won’t break down even more is to place a crown. Crowns are typically made of a highly aesthetic porcelain type of material that is designed to withstand everyday chewing function.

crowns, restorative care

The first step during a crown appointment is to remove all the decay if there is any, and assess the shape of the tooth. If we need to re-enforce the tooth with a filling, we call this a core buildup, and incorporate it into the design of the crown.

We then drill around the tooth to make room for the crown, take a digital impression with an intraoral scanner, and design the crown while the patient waits in the dental chair.

After the crown is designed and milled out, it is finalized in a special furnace and is then ready to try in and permanently cement on the patient’s tooth.

With our new CEREC technology, we have simplified the crown appointment into one convenient visit. No more temporary crowns!